2011년 9월 23일 금요일

Why different?

Creativity (Noun): the use of imagination or original ideas to create something.

This is the definition of creativity that I found on Oxford Dictionary. It doesn’t seem so special, but why, why are people so interested in this little word, creativity, especially in the 21st century? I was trying to figure out things that have changed society that requires creativeness. I once read a book written ‘People in society began to look for different things from others after they successfully maintained stable basic needs.’ Yes, it is also written in many other books too. What I want to talk about is not a redundant or cliché words that are written in such books. Instead, I want to focus on human’s feelings rather than usual facts.

           In the Ken Robinson’s lecture, he mentions that modern education is actually depriving children’s creativity. Before moving on to the result, here I want to scrutinize the reason. Schools are most likely to not provide an individual lesson for each student. The education system that schools use is not for the individuals, but for the whole student group. It is not specialized to each student, because it would be waste of time and money if the education system is adjusted to manage every single different kind of students. Realistically, it is almost impossible to do this. Therefore, government made a big blast furnace called ‘school’, which melts students’ individuality and solidify as a same shape.

           Therefore, students lose their own shapes they originally had. They are watching, listening, learning and acting the same way. In this situation, their thoughts are being standardized. The reason that creativeness become important is because every single person living in this world is different. Succeeding in maintaining basic needs is only a minor fact. The facts that every person is different, their brain is different and their genes are different are the most important ones. The people are now realizing that they are very different, making them to put emphasis on creativeness-thoughts that they had since they were born, their originality. Creativeness is an originality that has not been contaminated by social disturbance.

           This creativeness comes out from people’s original and genuine thoughts. As people grow up, they learn to be the same. They learn to act in a social structure. This binds and restricts people’s thoughts to stay inside the social tune. Their frequency of thoughts are being retuned to be normal, or thought to me the normal. For example, as mentioned in the lecture, kids are not afraid of being wrong. Even if it’s wrong, they keep try to think and act as they thought, because they’re not bound to social rules. Unlike grown-ups, kids can think that are behind normal, but which doesn’t mean it’s bad. It means ‘different’, not ‘wrong’.

           The driving force that develops society comes from different thoughts. At first it may seems wrong for other people. For example, democracy in medieval ages was thought to be insane. However, now it is the standard in modern ages. Schools now are unifying students’ ideas, thoughts and action with standardized education. When this social bind is removed from education, students will be able to develop their creativeness. 

2011년 9월 9일 금요일


Assignment #1

Two styles, two different hearts and two different feelings are the ways my life has. It seems quite ironic because I sometimes feel like I have two different personalities, though not a 'double personality syndrome'. However, this kind of personality I have made me write somewhat differently  from others. My previous writing class teacher described me as ‘a person who can write two essays that others won’t know that they were written by the same person

Well, maybe this is because my emotional changes are very severe, or I could be just sentimental. But personally, I don’t hate  these feelings that bring some kind of inspirations to me. These inspirations have got to be very special to me, because they are the motivations for me to write a literary work. Novel, poem, or just any kinds of work that comes to my mind are written with my inspiration.

These two emotional changes make me sometimes cynical and sometimes very serious. For me, I usually write novels when I become cynical and I write poems or essays when I’m very serious. For example, When I wrote a short story ,  Mr. Johnson said my work made him greatly moved. I don’t have a copy of  it now, but  Mr. Johnson might have it. It was about my story , how my destiny was first chosen to be in KMLA. It was also a story about me and a Buddhist temple, where it had roofing tiles to write wishes on it. After the wishes are written on it, it is used to repair the old tiles on the temple. I had no idea by that time why I wrote ‘I will enter KMLA!’ on the tile. I felt like I was possessed by some kind of mystic soul. Now, I’m here, writing this essay in KMLA.

However, I become very cynical when I’m in a bad mood. I used to write novels when I don’t feel good. Once, I had written a novel ( which was a fantasy novel ) that had severe criticism towards the educational system in Korea. I feel sometimes weird that I attain the clear sight through the world when I’m in “Cynical mode”. Therefore, I can write the critical essay or writing just about anything. But the problem is, I have to be in a bad mood when I want to write extremely cynical essay.

I really like fantasy novels, because I can extract my personal thoughts and pour it back to the novel. Not only reading I love, but also writing . I give some romantic elements to the novel. That's why I don’t have a girlfriend. I’m currently trying to find out how to make cheesy things such as magic into a none-cheesy writing. These kinds of aspects are included in my writings. It’s not perfect nor it’s very concise. However, I’m in KMLA to improve, therefore I will keep challenge on writing.